The Base Projects

Before we can succeed in our mission to enhance the quality of life of people with dementia through knowledge sharing, there has to be a base to build on. And exactly that base is missing in the places we visited for filming our documentary. No beds, mattresses full of urine and faeces, no underwear, nor incontinence materials, clothes, toothpaste, soap and so on. Moreover, medical care is less than nil: pressure ulcers cannot be cared for and people are bedridden because of an ingrown chalk nail, for example. Therefore, no tall tales, but action!

Doing what can be done. Sounds simple, it is!

No large sums of money, but high-quality furnishings and materials that are renewed every five years in the Netherlands. In many countries, people with dementia live in degrading conditions. That is why the foundation started The Base Projects in 2022 by supplying a psychiatric hospital in Moldaviä with three trucks full of used and new goods, which mostly houses people with dementia. Through this charity route, we got in touch with the Minister of Health in Moldova and were able to share important knowledge about living with dementia. 

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