1. Looking
We focus on raising awareness about a meaningful life with dementia. It is paramount to continue to see the person behind the disease and help others understand this. We involve people with a form of dementia in our work and do not want to talk about them, but rather think with them and build a better and more inclusive future.
2. Learning differently

We connect, advise and support countries, organisations and individuals worldwide with the aim of reducing the gaps in knowledge and learning together from solutions to address issues around dementia. Through various manifestations: social media, international documentary, and teaching packages, we also want to involve younger/future generations in particular in this pressing social issue.

3. Doing
Together with partners, we build sustainable projects in the Netherlands and around the world for a better future for people with dementia and their environment. By not only telling how things can be done differently, but above all by showing this. In this way, we want to start a positive movement worldwide that puts people at the centre when it comes to social issues, decision-making and quality of life.
What we do

Home Forever

Achieving a culture change from more social housing is what we focus on from Home Forever. That is why we help people and organisations to look and act differently. We do this partly by helping organisations with concrete issues and partly from a collaboration with Nationaal Ouderenfonds in which we want to help several care organisations and social partners in a learning network to make the move from classic and indication-based nursing home to a social housing form where living together is central, also when care is needed.
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The School Projects

Together with youth organisation Young Impact, the foundation developed an innovative and free teaching package. This teaching module informs and activates young people from secondary vocational education step by step to break the stigma surrounding dementia. After its launch, the teaching package was downloaded more than a thousand times in a month, a clear confirmation of the need for a different way of looking at things.
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The base projects

Before we can succeed in our mission to enhance the quality of life of people with dementia through knowledge sharing, there has to be a base to build on. And exactly that base is missing in the places we visited for filming our documentary. No beds, mattresses full of urine and faeces, no underwear, nor incontinence materials, clothes, toothpaste, soap and so on. Moreover, medical care is less than nil: pressure ulcers cannot be cared for and people are bedridden because of an ingrown chalk nail, for example. Therefore, no tall tales, but action!
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All inclusive

As a nursing home resident, Teun Toebes experiences that living in a nursing home counteracts ‘ordinary life’. He simply receives fewer visits from his friends because the nursing home is not a nice place to be. Maintaining a relationship is also difficult, as privacy is in a different light and the corridors are anything but atmosphere-enhancing. Real homeliness, real contact with loved ones and love, being together and making beautiful memories is missing. This has to change, so he wants to put his money where his mouth is by reconnecting people with dementia in a nursing home with society.
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A night for humanity

Maximum impact with minimal resources, that is the result of the project A Night For Humanity in which we, as Article 25 Foundation, presented the world premiere of Human Forever on 9 October 2023. This evening took place in a packed Royal Theatre Tuschinski in Amsterdam in the presence of prominent guests from politics, media and healthcare and culture. uman Forever is currently breaking all records in the Netherlands, making it the best-watched social documentary ever in Dutch cinemas. The film is currently going global.
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Sharing knowledge

Sharing knowledge is what we like to do. That is why Teun Toebes participates in several scientific advisory boards and/or project groups on behalf of Article 25 Foundation. For instance, together with knowledge institute Vilans and several educational institutes and care organisations, he started the project ‘Seeing the person who also has dementia’. He is also part of the Windesheim research project ‘Enable-dem’, which focuses on learning communities. His participation in the Advisory Board of the National Dementia Strategy from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is in a personal capacity.
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Teun Priest cat
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We make sure that your support reaches those who need it most. Every amount contributes to a better world for people with dementia, and we do our best to provide this help at the lowest possible cost. Because we believe that money given should be used for the purpose for which it was given. 

Annual reports
Annual report 2021 / 2022
Annual report 2023
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